Friday, January 8, 2010

Pregnancy Belly Rings Can You Leave A Belly Ring In During Pregnancy?

Can you leave a belly ring in during pregnancy? - pregnancy belly rings

Hello! In approximately 10 weeks. pregnant and have a navel ring. I wonder if I would leave it create a problem? I've heard of pregnancy * * Tiles ... Are they good?


Jeanne said...

You can leave a navel ring, if not unpleasant agrees, and your doctor. However, many women swallowed the length of the steel bar. Pregnant belly rings are usually medical grade PTFE (safer and more flexible than acrylic rods) are longer, but it can be lowered to any desired length is reached, and thread the ball again. They do not come in the style of hanging and hanging and baby items such as "It's a Girl" or "Baby on board". Try
PTFE ring in the belly of the baby items are also good for the time after pregnancy, in these difficult times a month and a rigorous sport and training.

ME said...

I myself, when I was 6 months pregnant and begins to learn and to be uncomfortable. But my friend went through her pregnancy with you all, and no problems. So I guess you only encounter when they uncomfortable. Never heard of the pregnancy belly rings, but you should discuss the issue.

All Natural said...

I stayed in the vicinity of the mines in the past two months, when it began to ache. The only complaint I have is that the hole was extended a bit ... I do not know if I was wearing the ring really is a difference, but could be extended in both directions. The only place I saw the rings of pregnancy is online, but I've never invested in a particular market.

Do what makes you comfortable!

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