Sunday, January 31, 2010

Irregular Heart Beat More Condition_symptoms I Have An Irregular Heart Beat, Was Told I Had Normal PVC's.I'm Still Scared To Death. Read More Please?????

I have an irregular heart beat, was told I had normal PVC's.I'm still scared to death. Read more Please????? - irregular heart beat more condition_symptoms

Help, Im 22yrs. 5 "10, 115 pounds, and all confused. I had a D & C for a misscarge the 07 October. 3 days later I began to irregular heartbeats, so bad I went to the doctor. They put on a long-term ECG in this night I was taken to the emergency room for extreme bleeding. The Holter was not a good read. He read everything he could and said everything was seen in PVC. I had no proof. After 3 weeks she is no PVC I could feel it. Then about 2 weeks my blood pressure increased to 1501/101 birth control. So you put it. A week after my return to PVC, not as bad as before, but in 15 to 30 minutes, while, before, 3 times per minute. They put me on Toprol XL and told me to take it easy. I still feel that they and their Freakin me out. I am very nervous, but my husband is military and in Iraq . anixitey I always serious. It's just hormones or stress Relt PVC. anyone had experince intuitive "


Matt's Girl said...

I have just this and is due to stress ... I had marital problems and began with severe heart palpitations, and was in a moment my heart is 200 beats per minute ... I was so scared!

I went to a heart specialist and he said he had it on my S-node and said I could beta-blockers, calcium ... My other option was surgery ... I opted for surgery, because I hate drugs and do not want to break my heart again so !!!!!!!!!!

I think it will be good ... I think between hormonal changes in your body of miscarriages and give no anesthesia to your D & C. .. Just one question might be that you have had a mild allergic reaction ... If I make an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible.

Good luck ... I know you are scared .... But please, and as I said go to a specialist.

Alabama said...

If you are not in one, to try an antidepressant to get the anxiety under control. This should help.

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