Friday, January 1, 2010

Citronella Essential Oil What Are Good, Quality Brands Of Essential Oils Like Citronella, Cedar, Ect...?

What are good, quality brands of essential oils like citronella, cedar, ect...? - citronella essential oil

I try to make a natural mix of all my dogs against fleas, ticks and others. for me, if I hiking, fishing, camping this summer. all the useful information!

preferably online at a trusted site.

Shops are also good.

1 comment:

NEKAI said...

I do not know a good site or a mixture of insect repellents with dogs, but I would use them with caution. Is there any way that you talk to someone like naturalists, advice that the essential oils for your dog (and some other animals) are sure to ward off insects.

There were some Google sites, e-mail, and both the leaders of the local health food stores or something similar, and ask them. Better safe than sorry:)

What I think about my dogs and horses in the mosquito season is Apple Cider Vinegar. Here is a link for an idea ...

Good luck!

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