Friday, February 19, 2010

Hemorrhoids Or Something Serious Is Hemorrhoid Serious When Left Untreated?

Is hemorrhoid serious when left untreated? - hemorrhoids or something serious

So far, I only drink water and eat fiber, but it was 9 days and my stool is mixed with bright red blood. Could it be hemorrhoids or something else?

1 comment:

betterhe... said...

Bleeding or pain in the anus should be examined by a specialist to rule out other serious illnesses.

Bleeding and / or pain in the anal canal refers not only for hemorrhoids May also of serious illnesses such as cancer or polyps are caused (small growths) in the anal canal.

Health professionals can conduct an investigation into the rectum through a tube. The procedure is known as proctoscopy and absolutely necessary to remove the cancer or polyps.

I recommend that you do not play with him. Go see a doctor as soon as possible. If it seems that you hemorrhoids are some useful tips on the website below and a free report, discover:

1. How to avoid a diet made 4 errors in almost all patients with hemorrhoids
2. What exactly is a hemorrhoids and the real causes? You will be surprised and even shocked
3. Why have certain types of exercise can affect the healing of hemorrhoids. You should avoid these
4. The real reasons why they suffer from hemorrhoids
5. Why is dietary fiber, water and exercise are not enough to cure hemorrhoids
6. .... and much more on the "error hemorrhoids Top suffering"

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