Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gential Warts Photos If I Had Gential Warts One Time, When I Decide To Have Kids Will My Wife Contract Hpv From Me During Sex?

If i had gential warts one time, when i decide to have kids will my wife contract hpv from me during sex? - gential warts photos

I know that HPV is detected in men, warts, but a symptom Gential is to know.


lyn1322 said...

Yes, your wife could also at risk of genital warts genital warts ... treated, although remains dormant in the body may at any time after treatment. with an outbreak of genital warts are infected and can infect other people like your wife to ... If you are better things to do, consult with a doctor who may specialize in this disease for you and your bride to do something about preventative measures.

Kat said...

You can read here.

cowogo said...

Perhaps, but not defined. Ultimately, HPV is that every sexually active woman should have an annual Pap test. The vaccine is very good if you are old. Nothing else can be done.

rose W said...

asks the consultant STDromance STD

aWellWis... said...

HPV stay dormant throughout life, is unpredictable, as they behave. But the chances are slim.

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